Faxing Health Forms

Faxing Health Forms

Faxing remains a prevalent method for secure information exchange within the medical industry. HealthForms.io facilitates this requirement with a built-in faxing feature, allowing users to send health forms directly to medical providers.

Follow these simple steps to fax a form:

Navigate to the Participant List: Access your list of participants to find the individual whose information needs to be faxed.
Select a Participant: You can select a participant in two ways:
      Action Menu: Click on 'View' from the action menu corresponding to your chosen participant.
      Context Menu: Alternatively, right-click on the participant's name and select 'View' from the contextual menu.

Select the form you want to fax and click Fax Selected.

Enter the name of the recipient and their fax number and click Send Fax. HealthForms.io will send the fax immediately. 

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