How To Start Accepting Forms

How To Start Accepting Forms

Learn how to setup your Forms, Events, and start sending invitations to accept forms. After signing up for you will need to setup your first form and event. 

Setting Up Form Types

Form types help organize the forms your are accepting, defining how long a form is valid for, and making it easier for your members download and fill out the form. 
To add a new Form Type click Settings on the left navigation side bar and click + Add Form Type
  1. Name - name of the form displayed to your members and event managers. 
  2. Enabled - When disabled, the form will not be available to add to an event. 
  3. Valid For (Months) - All uploaded form expires; set the number of months the form can be valid for. 
    1. Forms must be valid for the entirety of the event. HealthForms will not allow a user to use a form that will expire prior to the end of the date. 
  4. Instructions - These are instructions that will appear in the portal when members add the form. 
  5. Form Date - The form date field allows the user to select when the form was signed so the form will expire correctly. If the Form Date is not required, then the date the form was uploaded will be used.
    1. Form Date Required - Check the box to ask the user to fill in the form signature date. 
    2. Form Date Label - If the Form Date is required then you will need to label the field, for example: Doctor Signature Date. 
    3. Form Date Help Text - Text that will appear below the Form Date field in the portal to instruct the member.
  6. Form Template
    1. Upload a PDF of the form. The file will be used as the blank form for members to download.
Click Save

Setting Up Events

Events are what your members will be invited to, and where you will manage their forms. Events can have multiple forms assigned to them, invitations can be schedule, along with many other options. To setup and event click Events on the left navigation side bar and click + Add Event

Event Name - The name given for the event.

Description - A short description of the event, your members will see this description in the portal. 

Support Email Address - All email messages sent to members for the event will include this support email address. This will allow users to send their event specific questions to the organizers. 

Start Date - The event start date.
End Date - The event end date
These dates are important for determine form validity for the event and member billing.

Invitation Message - This is a message you can include in the invitation emails. 

Select Form - this is your first form for the event. 

Deadline - set a deadline you want all form uploaded by, if not deadline is set then the event start date is used. This will not turn off adding forms by members but will trigger reminder emails as the deadline approaches. 

Flow Process - Select the Manual Review or Automatic Approval flow process.
The Manual Review process will require a user to review each form added by members.
The Automatic Approval process will automatically approve the form without a review.

Required - To determine the status of a member for an event HealthForms creates a composite of all of the forms. If a form is not required and has not been add, then the Member status will ignore that form. For example, when members must submit three forms and two of these are required, a member who uploads and receives approval for only the required forms will have their status changed to 'Accepted'. 
Click Save

Additional forms can be added by editing the event by click the new event in the Events grid and click Edit

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